By Guitarify on November 20, 2013 started out 10 years ago making replacement bodies for some of the vintage “Res-O-Glass” Guitars made in Chicago. They’ve slowly added body styles and colors over the years, as well as some of the other parts needed to build a complete guitar. Now they are taking the next logical step, and putting together complete […]
Posted in DIY, Guitars | Tagged custom, guitar, handmade, tone, vintage
By Guitarify on October 11, 2013
Posted in Music | Tagged technique, tone
By Guitarify on October 9, 2013
Moog just introduced a line of all analog guitar pedals, that surprisingly, I find pretty cool. I’m a bit burnt out on the seemingly millions of guitar pedals out there, with another dozen or so released everyday. But something about these caught my attention. It helps that the demo is nice, but each pedal also […]
Posted in Gear, Pedals | Tagged Gear, pedals, tone
By Guitarify on October 2, 2013
And you don’t even have to remove them or use any kind of liquid solvents. People in the comments said it works for guitar too.
Posted in DIY | Tagged bass, strings, technique, tone
By Guitarify on August 11, 2013
I find it funny when someone says a particular guitar has lot’s of tone, or a new pickup or FX pedal will give you MORE tone. I’d like to see how they measured that. In these two videos, “Just Nick” waxes philosophically, then scientifically on ‘tone’.
Posted in Amps, Guitars, Music, Pedals, Record | Tagged tech, tone