By Guitarify on December 9, 2012
Kaki King is an amazing guitarist. As equally talented a songwriter as technical player, her latest album “Glow”shows her style maturing and gaining more depth and variety. She is currently touring to support the album, and the guitars she’s using are as equally interesting as the music. Kaki is obviously really into guitars and experimenting […]
Posted in Gear, Guitars, Music | Tagged acoustic, Gear, guitar, tone
By Guitarify on October 27, 2012
Brett Kingman made this video when one of his friends commented that these two pedals seemed to be suspiciously similar. Usually I’m very impressed with Wampler pedals, but put next to this very organic sounding “Blue Note” overdrive, the Wampler seems flatter and less interesting. Though I agree they are actually very different pedals, that […]
Posted in Gear, Pedals | Tagged Gear, pedals, tone
By Guitarify on October 24, 2012
“Turn It Up!” is an indie film about guitars and the guitarists who obsessively love them. The film is by Robert Radler and Doug Forbes who have been working on this project over the last five years. It’s obviously a labor of love and looks really interesting. Hosted by actor Kevin Bacon, TURN IT UP! includes interviews […]
Posted in Guitars | Tagged Gear, guitar
By Guitarify on October 9, 2012
You may be first wondering what a “FretLight” guitar actually is. Most likely you’ve seen or heard of the concept, as it’s been around now for over 20 years. This is the guitar with the LEDs embedded into the fretboard that light up and show you how to play…well, just about anything you want to […]
Posted in Gear, Guitars, Learn, Software | Tagged Gear, guitar, PC, practice, software, tech
By Guitarify on September 9, 2012
So many pedals, so little time…so little money. The boutique FX pedal market has been exploding for the past few years and every day seems to bring more pedals and more builders. And for the tone obsessed , GAS-plagued guitarist, it’s just so many more reasons to go broke trying to find the ones […]
Posted in Gear, Pedals | Tagged Gear, pedals, tone