By Guitarify on June 5, 2012
It’s a total coincidence that this is the second bass story in a row. But as I mentioned, I’m practicing my bass a lot more lately so this is exciting news. Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re happy to officially announce that BASS is coming to Rocksmith this fall! It will initially be offered as a DLC […]
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged bass, games, practice, software
By Guitarify on March 16, 2012
Interesting interview with Luthier Roger Sadowsky. It’s always fascinating to hear thoughts and ideas about guitars from someone regarded as a master craftsman. A large portion of the video, starting around the 20 minute mark deals with properly setting up a guitar. Roger goes through every part of the guitar explaining it’s effect on tone and playability. […]
Posted in Gear | Tagged archtop, bass, Gear, guitar, handmade, tech, tone
By Guitarify on January 18, 2012
Posted in Music | Tagged bass, tone
By Guitarify on September 13, 2010
I’m heavily into the DIY guitar scene, sometimes I think I spend more time building and tweaking then playing. So I thought it would be cool to start highlighting some of the incredible work I find in the forums and websites where like-minded guitarists congregate. I plan on making this a kind of ongoing series […]
Posted in DIY, Guitars | Tagged bass, custom, Gear, handmade, reranch
By Guitarify on March 26, 2010
If you don’t want to watch all 9 and a half minutes, skip to about the 7 minute mark, I guarantee you’ll be impressed. She even has a cool name.
Posted in Music | Tagged bass, player