By Guitarify on November 21, 2012
Although Wampler is one of the more recognizable boutique pedal builder names, I was still surprised at the size and sophistication of his factory. Especially since so many builders are one-man operations run from basements or garages.
Posted in Pedals | Tagged handmade, pedals, tech
By Guitarify on October 27, 2012
Brett Kingman made this video when one of his friends commented that these two pedals seemed to be suspiciously similar. Usually I’m very impressed with Wampler pedals, but put next to this very organic sounding “Blue Note” overdrive, the Wampler seems flatter and less interesting. Though I agree they are actually very different pedals, that […]
Posted in Gear, Pedals | Tagged Gear, pedals, tone
By Guitarify on September 9, 2012
So many pedals, so little time…so little money. The boutique FX pedal market has been exploding for the past few years and every day seems to bring more pedals and more builders. And for the tone obsessed , GAS-plagued guitarist, it’s just so many more reasons to go broke trying to find the ones […]
Posted in Gear, Pedals | Tagged Gear, pedals, tone
By Guitarify on July 8, 2012
Andy for gives a quick “taste” of 16 different fuzz pedals. Rather then an extensive look at each pedals range, the goal was to give an idea of how each pedals signature sound compares with the others. Which was made much more apparent by demoing them all in rapid succession through the same rig. I […]
Posted in Gear, Pedals | Tagged fuzz, Gear, pedals, tone
By Guitarify on June 9, 2012
I wrote about the Devi Ever Console last year. But after a short while there stopped being updates on it, and I assumed the project dead. I’m guessing the popularity of Kickstarter had a big part to play in this project coming back to life. The idea of the console ‘pedal’, is similar to an […]
Posted in Gear, Pedals | Tagged Gear, pedals, tone |