By Guitarify on August 18, 2012
I just wanted to do a post about an experience I had with La Bella strings. I recently bought an Eastwood Club Bass, a copy of the classic Hofner design. It’s basically the same thing as the famous “Beatle Bass”, The violin shaped bass used by Paul McCartney, except it has a more classic guitar […]
Posted in Gear | Tagged bass, Gear, strings
By Guitarify on August 15, 2012
I love my SNARK clip on tuner. It’s fast, accurate, easy to read and cheap. I know a lot of people who said they rarely use a pedal tuner now that they have a SNARK. They have very quickly come to dominate the clip-on tuner market, and now they are setting their sites on the […]
Posted in Gear | Tagged Gear, pedals, tuner
By Guitarify on July 8, 2012
Andy for gives a quick “taste” of 16 different fuzz pedals. Rather then an extensive look at each pedals range, the goal was to give an idea of how each pedals signature sound compares with the others. Which was made much more apparent by demoing them all in rapid succession through the same rig. I […]
Posted in Gear, Pedals | Tagged fuzz, Gear, pedals, tone
By Guitarify on June 9, 2012
I wrote about the Devi Ever Console last year. But after a short while there stopped being updates on it, and I assumed the project dead. I’m guessing the popularity of Kickstarter had a big part to play in this project coming back to life. The idea of the console ‘pedal’, is similar to an […]
Posted in Gear, Pedals | Tagged Gear, pedals, tone |
By Guitarify on June 3, 2012
I’ve recently started getting more serious about my bass playing abilities. Partly, because I’d like to be less reliant on loops and samples when writing and recording, and partly because I am currently helping out a new custom bass business with some graphic design and marketing(more on that in the coming months). So don’t be […]
Posted in Gear | Tagged contest |