By Guitarify on September 4, 2010
I read about these smashable guitars from Japan a while ago. They are engineered to smash easily and you can then collect up the pieces to be recycled into a new “Smash”guitar. Apparently this is the instruction video that comes with them. This just takes it to a whole other level.
Posted in Gear, Guitars | Tagged guitar, smash
By Guitarify on August 8, 2010
Incase you missed it – part 1 My original plan for refinishing the Marauder was to bring it back to something similar to it’s original color – A deep wine colored stain. But as I looked over images of Marauders with different finishes, most of them being stained rather then painted, something just didn’t seem […]
Posted in DIY, Guitars | Tagged custom, guitar, handmade, Marauder, mod, refinish, reranch, stewmac
By Guitarify on June 30, 2010
So Gibson announced this new SG “Raw Power”model not too long ago. Part of the “Raw Power” series which also includes a Les Paul Studio model. The idea behind the “Raw Power” series seems to be a no frills workingman’s guitar. No fancy binding or frilly rosewood fretboards here. Though you are allowed one, and […]
Posted in Gear, Guitars
By Guitarify on April 19, 2010
The Gibson Marauder was sold fromĀ 1975-80. It was the “Norlin era”, considered by many to be a low point in the companies history. About 7,ooo were sold thanks in part, to the low price tag. Designed as an entry level guitar, it had a lot of Fender-type elements such as a bolt on neck […]
Posted in DIY, Guitars | Tagged guitar, Marauder, mod, refinish |
By Guitarify on March 19, 2010
Interesting CL find. Looks sort of like the larvel form of the SG next to it. “Notice how the horns are just beginning to develop and it still has its juvenile color pattern”. Vintage guitar you have never seen for sale! – $150 (lancaster county) I have a sixties/seventies “Prestige” guitar for sale. This thing […]
Posted in Guitars | Tagged guitar, vintage