By Guitarify on September 13, 2010
I’m heavily into the DIY guitar scene, sometimes I think I spend more time building and tweaking then playing. So I thought it would be cool to start highlighting some of the incredible work I find in the forums and websites where like-minded guitarists congregate. I plan on making this a kind of ongoing series […]
Posted in DIY, Guitars | Tagged bass, custom, Gear, handmade, reranch
By Guitarify on September 4, 2010
I read about these smashable guitars from Japan a while ago. They are engineered to smash easily and you can then collect up the pieces to be recycled into a new “Smash”guitar. Apparently this is the instruction video that comes with them. This just takes it to a whole other level.
Posted in Gear, Guitars | Tagged guitar, smash
By Guitarify on September 2, 2010
Over at on the geekdad blog, John Anealio has started a series of guitar lessons teaching sci-fi themed songs. First up is the theme from the cult favorite “Firefly”. I recently re-watched this whole series with my kids, now that they’re old enough to appreciate it, and it was even better then I had […]
Posted in Uncategorized
By Guitarify on August 25, 2010
I came across these beautiful looking paper modelĀ guitar kits. They are both about 12″ and obviously one isĀ a Les Paul, though I can’t quite make out if they are using the official headstock design. And the other a Telecaster. They are made up of about 100 laser cut parts. They can be ordered […]
Posted in DIY | Tagged handmade, papercraft
By Guitarify on August 24, 2010
Rodrigo y Gabriela’s most recent album “11:11” is currently on sale at Amazon for only $5.00 –Buy it!
Posted in Music