By Guitarify on May 6, 2012
Seems like the AA guys caught a lot of flack from episode 1 by trying to compare tonewoods in guitars of wildly varying designs. This time they try to be more scientific comparing a bunch of Martins that are much more similar. They also throw in a cheap laminated Yahmaha to show the difference between […]
Posted in Guitars | Tagged acoustic, tech, tone, wod
By Guitarify on May 4, 2012
When this technology first became available on an expensive Gibson, it had no appeal for me. But the idea of putting this on a cheap Squire, Epiphone or a custom built guitar seems suddenly very interesting. This system is made by Tronical, the same company that makes this technology for Gibson. No word on price […]
Posted in Gear, Guitars | Tagged guitar, mod, tech, tuner
By Guitarify on April 30, 2012
In Recording Your Guitar Pt.1 we talked about the hardware needed to get your guitars signal into a computer or mobile device for recording. Here in part two I’ll talk about the software side of the equation. I also wanted to clarify the fact that these articles are not meant to be a comprehensive guide […]
Posted in Record, Software | Tagged practice, recording, software, tech, tone |
By Guitarify on April 29, 2012
All I can say, is you better be one hell of a guitar player if you step on stage with one of these.
Posted in Gear | Tagged circuits, guitar, handmade, tech |
By Guitarify on April 27, 2012
Seymour Duncan just released the new signature Synyster Gates pickups, and are giving away a Schecter guitar loaded with them. The contest is worldwide. The Seymour Duncan Invader has a well-earned reputation as the most aggressive passive pickup ever. It’s the weapon of choice for metal, punk and rock players who seek maximum power and […]
Posted in Gear, Guitars | Tagged contest, pickups |